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Travelport WordPress Theme

Install instructions

  1. Download the theme package zip from above
  2. Extract zip file contents
  3. The zip contains the theme ( and the demo site plugin (
  4. In your WordPress back end, visit Appearance > themes and press add new, then press upload theme
  5. Choose the and press install now
  6. Let the theme install and then press activate
  7. You will be prompted to install the required plugins to run the theme
  8. Visit the recommended plugins area (appearance > install plugins) or click inside the yellow banner
  9. Install and activate “Total Core” and “WPBakery Page Builder”. These two plugins are required
  10. Setting up demo content.
    1. Go to plugins and add new then upload plugin
    2. Choose the demo content zip downloaded earlier (
    3. Install and activate the plugin
    4. on the left hand WordPress Admin menu, click on Theme Panel > Demo Importer
    5. You should see the Travelport theme, click it and follow the instructions to set up the demo data
  11. Set your homepage as the main homepage, go to Settings > Reading and choose “A static page (select below)”, choose the new homepage from the dropdown and press save changes
  12. View your new site to confirm all is ok

What’s Included?

  1. Installable WordPress theme
  2. Demo import plugin

Minimum Requirments 

  • Memory 256mb
  • Max Execution Time 300
  • Max Post Size 32M
  • Max Input Vars 1000

Need help? 
Speak to our web development partner
go6 media
0208 1686 606

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